You can see what is going on around you through your observations, but it is difficult to understand why other people do what they do, ie why they do it. As we often experience at intersections with people, the only condition for a person to do something is that he “wants to do it”.  “What do people want?” Thus we should look for the answer to this question. Happily for us, someone has researched the answer to this question.

What is important to you? What makes you happy? What is the meaning of your life? Success, career, family or something else? So why are students uninterested in the lessons? Or why are workaholics acting like this? Motivation researcher Steven Reiss (Department of Psychology at the University of Ohio) says these people are also happy in their inner world; the only thing that is different is personality and motivational structures. As a result of long years of research, Reiss has revealed that 16 elements ​​motivate people. Just like fingerprints, motivation profiles are personal, meaning there is no equal.

I will present 16 motivation items found after Reiss’s research, but let me say that the new motivation and personality concept basically differs from the old ones. As the ancients claim, human behavior is not absolute power, for example, a quest for happiness, a desire for biological survival, a libido, a quest for power, or self-realization.

First of all, it should be noted that the trend towards happiness is not an element of motivation, as some psychologists say. Moreover, entertainment, satisfaction and happiness are by-products that come when we reach what we are aiming for. The world of education and parents should change their understanding in the light of this research because children’s curiosity or non-interest in anything is not proportional to their intelligence. Likewise, day and night workaholics are not working because of family problems or lack of love in childhood; their interest in power, performance and status. The reasons for people’s behavior may be different or similar, and this plays an important role in human relationships, because people with similar motivations want to be close to each other, now you understand why you want to feel close to some people or want to stay away from others?

The problem starts here because many people do not understand that others have other values, interests, desires and motivations in everyday life, and friction begins. We acknowledge that everyone has another goal, but why can’t we make sense of what they don’t think like us?

The individuality of people is building a wall between them. When two people give different priorities to the same value, they cannot understand why they think differently, act and feel differently. Disagreements and quarrels with our partners, our spouse and colleagues begin after that. Although experiences and development effects change people, people’s motivation profile is not playful. So someone who is curious in their childhood will not be different when they get older.

What is MOTIV?

 The word for this is “motive”, although it is a little bit old. “With what motive did he do this?”

It means starting a “movere” movement in Latin.

Motivations are continuous, personal mechanisms that determine behavior as a trend of value.

They can be conscious or unconscious. They set the behavioral goals. Ambition can also be called trend, longing, desire, pressure, strong desire. Motivation is the concept of targeted processes in psychology, which is pressed with updated or loaded motives. Motivations are in people, but motivation depends on the situation. Situations initiate the motivation process along with human motivations.

General motivation: People always want something, even if they don’t want anything.

Specific motivation: Curiosity, help, aggression, power and performance motivation issues are still being explored.



In Freud’s view of psychoanalysis, human is motivated by LIBIDO. Whatever we do, the motives of sex are underlying our behaviors, they can be conscious or mostly unconscious.


According to Erikson, following the theory of development from one to eight motivates us. The concepts that represent the steps that people have to deal with during development are: Basic trust, autonomy, initiative, performance, belonging, privacy, reproduction, self-integration.


While Jung says his will to live is the basic psychic force, Adler states that turning to power and having influence is a motivation for life.


Considered as the fathers of psychology, W. James and McDougall say that various impulses are a motivation for life: saving, achieving, working, doing, researching, family, sex, shame, pain, revenge, etc. McDougall went further and showed this list as thousands of points.


In the humanistic psychology department, Rogers says that people act with two motive forces: self-acceptance and self-development. Rogers said that living with people’s values ​​is the key to happiness. When he does not do this, one loses his respect for himself, stops his development and becomes unhappy.


In the hierarchy of needs, Maslow talks about five steps:

1. Physiological needs: Eating, drinking, dressing.

2. Security needs: Protection from disease, statelessness, accidents, starvation.

3. Social needs: Being with people, social relationships.

4. Self-worth: Self-confidence, acceptance, usefulness and necessity.

5. Self-realization: Developing your own personality.


American Quantum physicist and researcher Zohar reverses Maslow’s pyramid and says the thin tip is the head of everything. In other words, the fifth article of Maslow is the first article of the Zohar.

In recent years, the subject of motivation in the world has been examined with deep research.

The advanced cognitive model and Rubikon model, the risk selection model and the self-evaluation model are the models that emerged as a result of these studies. And McCleland has three needs theory: power, success, and relationship.

The 16 motivation items found as a result of research by Steven Reiss are as follows:








