Speed Assessment

About Us


About Us

Good thoughts. Good deeds. Broad visions

SpeedAssessment™ is an innovative and effective evaluation with 20 years of evaluation experience. SpeedAssessment™ turns all the disadvantages of traditional centers into an advantage; it manages to revolutionize as an innovative and effective (highest predictive validity) approach that increases participant satisfaction up to four times and is found according to the employer brand.

Our Vision

To introduce “new generation” applications.
Background: started to be used in the “army officer” elections in the US army in the 1950s using the Evaluation Center; These are the practices that have become widespread in the business world that they have developed since the 1980s. In Turkey, the expansion took place at the end of the 2000s.

Our Mission

To bring together the management of the Company with their satisfaction-oriented, innovative and highly valid / reliable evaluation practices.

Potential foresight reliability” are the best known practices you have chosen. However, there has been no change in approach, content and flow in this sector since the 1950s. “Traditionally centers” that lost their effectiveness; accuracy of measuring accuracy decreases; and they have become applications that create dissatisfaction for the participant, “at a rate that harms the employer brand and lowers loyalty.